As I write, I’m inhaling New Zealand’s glorious South Island.
It’s an extremely bright morning, and I realise how fortunate I am to be here.
We arrived here in Christchurch from Nelson yesterday, which was about a 7 hour drive down the coast, with a few comfort-stops on the way. It’s a stunning coast line; one of the most beautiful in New Zealand. It’s a bit of a flashback, as I cycled the length of NZ once and we passed through here.
As you know, I’m a fan of warmer temps, and it’s a bit cooler down here – thank goodness for my puffer jacket! After a few days in Christchurch, our next stop is Invercargill and then on to The Catlins for our wedding anniversary.
So, by the time you’re reading this, it’s probably not going to correspond with where I actually am in ‘real-time.’ This is because where I am when I get the inspiration to connect with you, doesn’t always match where I am by the time you get to read this!
Talking of where we’re located; here’s my question for you this week –
What does freedom mean for you?
For me, one piece of my freedom-puzzle is the ability to travel when and where I choose, with whom I choose, in the way I choose.
When I was working 100 hours a week at one of our integrative health centers in Auckland, this vision of travel-freedom was my dream. The sea view from my office window showed me all the people below in their boats, and I would imagine myself walking down there on the beach – on a work day!
That’s where the seed was planted for me to think about another way of making an income, so that I could experience more flexibility in my life. So, I started researching and followed my nose on various trails… and I found a way to make not just an income – to actually create a LIFE.
A life outside of work.
And a life that I love.
Last year, for instance – we travelled to 15 different countries. I was able to experience so many places, speak and coach, meet extraordinary people, see old friends, learn more about cultures and nutrition, and even brush up on my French and Indonesian, whilst learning a bit of Russian and Polish!
So, I’m curious: what’s your definition of freedom? And if you also love the idea of travel, what’s your plan to do be able to do that more often (rather than just a holiday here and there)…
…and if there were a way to actually get the ball rolling on experiencing more travel sooner rather than later, is that something you’d like to do? Then message me. It could be good timing.
Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O., I.N.H.C., is The LifeStyle Aligner. She’s an experienced practitioner since 1992 in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified Osteopath, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, speaker, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, and Health Brand Ambassador.