Heart health and sleep – how restorative sleep reduces stress and protects your heart
However here’s the truth – getting high-quality sleep is one of the most powerful ways to protect your heart, reduce stress, and safeguard your health. Sleep isn’t just about shutting your eyes for a few hours. It’s a deeply restorative process that allows your body to repair, recharge, and reset. And when it comes to heart health, sleep is the unsung hero that we all need to prioritise. Let’s dive into how restorative sleep works its magic on your heart and stress levels and explore actionable ways to make great sleep a reality in your life.
Understanding the link between high blood pressure and stress in women
Let’s talk about two things we often hear about but don’t always connect - high blood pressure...
Foods to reduce stress and promote a healthy heart
Life has a way of piling up, doesn’t it? Between work deadlines, family commitments, and trying to...
Mindfulness and heart health – can meditation lower your heart disease risk?
Let’s be honest—life can get overwhelming. Between work deadlines, family responsibilities, and...
How chronic stress impacts your heart – what every woman needs to know
We’ve all felt it, haven’t we? That tightness in your chest when you’re rushing to meet a...
The Top 5 stressors affecting women’s heart health in 2025
We all know that life can be stressful, although did you know that chronic stress can have a...
New Year Theme Brainstorm
The new year is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. It's a time to reflect on the past...
Need inspiration and guidance?
It’s time to clarify a little about what I do when I'm working with clients. Some of you might...
Magic bullet myth
You've probably heard the phrase "magic bullet." It's often used to describe a quick and easy...
3 pointers for being a ray of sunshine
I started practicing these tips (below) when I was going through a tough time and feeling pretty...
4 tips to increase your productivity when self-employed
Working for yourself can be incredibly rewarding, although it also comes with its own set of...
Are pain killers the only option?
It’s time to share with you the experience of lovely Katherine, who’s been seeing me for some time...
Creating momentum
I’ll be highlighting tips which we can apply to any area of life—whether it’s physical health,...
Letting go
This part of the month, our focus is on conscious living, and this time it’s all about learning to...
What distracts you?
There are plenty of ways we can end up getting distracted! Let’s highlight a few of the top...
Extremely Beneficial
It can be extremely beneficial to have something that truly makes a difference in your life....
Bridging the gap
When it comes to our finances, this topic is sometimes missed when it comes to challenges such as...
Living lightly in action
I came across a book I haven't yet read although I’m eager to get to - it’s by Nicola Turner and...
Productivity tips
When it comes to setting ourselves up for success - here are my top action tips - 1. Start where...
Lacking umph?
Are you lacking motivation? Lacking the umph to follow through with what it is that you...
I’d rather not be rathering
This is a phrase that one of my mentors shared that makes a great deal of sense. It’s worth checking out this interesting article about the potential benefits of being present, and some tips on how to achieve this in our lives.
Success strategy
My 2 most relevant and valuable top tips on creating success are - Start where you are - rather...
What does E.I mean to you?
…as opposed to A.I! Instead, we’re referring to emotional intelligence, or as it’s sometimes...
Get + stay focused
Here are my 3 top picks for getting and staying focused. 1 Writing a list of priorities - I start...
Valuable tips
Today’s all about some useful health tips that Lisa picked up when she attended one of our...
Low hanging fruit
This philosophy is in relation to the goals on our list at any given time. Today we’ll pick our...
Letting ourselves feel
Actually, for some of us it can be scary to let ourselves feel. I dipped into this area a...
Your productivity-style super power!
So the bottom line is - what might work really well for me, may or may not work so well for...
How to impact the #1 killer globally
According to the World Health Organisation, it's cardiovascular disease. Sure - this is not...
The importance of caring for myself
It’s time to share the experience of a delightful lady, Lyndal, with whom I’ve had the pleasure of...
A reason to get the money thing sorted
When I was growing up, we didn't talk about money. ¹ If we ever did, it was always on the same...
Going there
‘Going where?’ I hear you understandably ask! The context I’m meaning, is going there when it...
Does focus alone cut it?
Is focus all it takes to create the results that we want? It really depends on what your...
The value of a routine
Let’s face it - routine’s work. We can think of them a bit like habits - which ultimately take us...
Is money over rated?
This might sound like a bizarre question to ask because we’re all familiar with the classic...
The most effective way to give back
First things first. Having the energy, focus and inclination to contribute 1 is superseded by self...
Want to learn and retain, even when you’re stressed?
There are a myriad of ways to achieve this - today we’ll explore a specific Nutritional that’s...
We learn more when we’re relaxed
We seem to actually learn more when we're relaxed and having fun with no pressure. It turns out...
What’s your #1 wish?
If you could wish for anything, what would you wish for? Would it be better health, more time,...
Wisdom from the earth
“The answer lies in the soil” - I love this phrase. It was one of my dad’s favs that he used in a...
Productivity is personal
According to one definition 1, productivity is how efficiently you can complete tasks important to...
The #1 thing
What’s your number one priority in life? 1 You might say, like many of us, to be happy. This might...
Do you want to have fun and learn something?
One of my mentors once shared with me some wise words indeed - ‘We're either green and growing or...
Ever wonder what’s the point?
I can remember feeling this very thing about getting my financial health sorted - can you...
Feeling overwhelmed about enviro damage?
Can you relate to a way that I’ve definitely felt from time to time? Namely a little overwhelmed...
Do you want to increase your learning?
You’re likely replying ‘of course I do!’ Today we’ll reference the value of harnessing the...
Less rickety and more energised
I do love how my dear friend Tom puts it! He experienced this last year after a session with me...
Do you want choices?
One way of thinking about the quality of our lives is our level of autonomy - so how much input we...
Effective contribution
Like many of us, you may have the desire to be able to give back beyond covering your own...
Productivity at what cost?
It’s worth checking out a really interesting article 1 in the reference, in which the author...
Valuable skin health workshop
Could it be useful for you to access a skin health workshop in a relaxed environment, where you...
An often-missed, vital health-area
When it comes to health, I usually default to thinking about physical health. However, when we...
My 5 top health extension hacks
I’ve picked these because I've found that they work for me personally. I haven't necessarily...
The power of focus
I’ve found it valuable recently to review some notes from a website Consulting Success 1 which...
Honest review
Are you up for an honest review? I find it useful to emphasise the word honest when I’m asking...
Giving to yourself
We're going to cover the experience of a delightful man Diego¹ with whom I’ve been blessed to...
Would you like to have even more freedom of choice?
You’ve likely spotted this question is rhetorical – of course we all do. The question is – how to...
How to live consciously?
Is conscious living doable and if so, why would we bother? One take on this hot topic is that it’s...
3 ways to self-focus that work
Can you relate to having thought that self-focus is just self-indulgence in trendy-speak? If, like...
Are you pushing yourself too hard?
Interesting question isn't it? It's one that I’ve definitely been able to answer yes to many...
Could more time freedom be handy?
Today we’re all about the extraordinary benefits of having time freedom in your life as a result...
5 ways to give back without cash
It’s tricky to boil things down to just 5 ways!...especially with references like this blog 1...
3 reasons to be productive
Why would we bother to be more productive? It's always such a popular topic, and no wonder...
Feeling run down?
Can you relate to Ally feeling run down? There’s usually a reason behind not feeling 100% and I’ve...
Is creating time freedom worth it?
We're going to be exploring the extraordinary benefits of having time freedom in your life. This...
Healthy living – science or art?
I was chatting with a client about this one today. In terms of a mind-expanding approach that...
Is it worth being flexible?
It makes sense that being flexible in body and mind could be a good thing. Before we’d bother to...
Is it worth reflecting?
Do you ever reflect on your day, your week, your month, your year - or even your decade? Yes, it’s...
Want fewer problems, less often?
This is definitely a completely loaded question isn't it? Of course it would be a good thing!...
3 heart-healthy foods
Interestingly the ones I’ll mention here aren’t always those that get the Heart Foundation tick....
Being the person you’d most want to meet
I know what you’re thinking…’is this a slightly bizarre question or what?’ I can remember when I...
3 keys to be productive when you’re tired
So when our energy’s spent - what do we do? It’s worth checking the reference below for more...
Are you feeling stuck?
Is this true for you or someone you know right now? That's exactly how a delightful lady Vicky was...
Surefire work life balance strategy
Work-life balance strategy This is, quite simply, essential for a productive and healthy...
Is your bank eco-friendly?
Is there such a thing as eco-friendly banking? Whilst I’d like to think there is, I was absolutely...
How to focus better
I've targeted a couple of the points made in a relevant article 1 to help us win when it comes to...
Want to get to the root cause?
…when it comes to specific health challenges. Yes there are some super convenient...
The cost of getting sick vs the cost of preventative healthcare in New Zealand
The high cost of healthcare in New Zealand The cost of healthcare in New Zealand currently is...
What’s your secret sauce?
What have you decided to take the next step? In fact, what have you decided to not only take...
3 winning productivity tips for working from home
When it comes to productivity, which of the approaches help us to be in the zone that we need to...
Does bio-hacking work?
Does bio-hacking work?1 In fact - what exactly is this currently-trendy topic all about? As far as...
Is your health journey easy to follow?
It's time to share with you the experience of a delightful lady Kristina who’s been...
Important – the #1 way to holiday more
Did you know that taking an annual holiday can bring more benefits than just a wonderful time...
How to be environmentally sustainable
How’s this for a possible definition? - how to find a way to minimise our personal impact on the...
How to stay focused on your goals
What is it that spins your wheels? Rather than adding to my seemingly-endless to-do list as...
Growing your comfort zone
I don’t know of a better way to speak to this topic, than witnessing the experience of a...
6 ways to reduce work stress at home
Working from home has become a popular choice for many of us in recent times. With the rise of...
Doing the right thing
What does doing the right thing mean? It might mean doing the right thing in a situation where you...
5 ways to be more productive and motivated
As you take this in, bare in mind that each of us are different, with our own unique blueprint or...
Eco-conscious living
Recently I’ve been actually examining my choices in relation to this high-mileage topic. I figured...
So many positive changes
Delwyn is an extraordinary lady who’s been a client for a while, and it’s time for us to hear her...
Study shock – Money stress is killing me
It’s no secret that money is one of the most stressful aspects of life. We all want to know how to...
Is listening all it’s cracked up to be?
When we hear something or someone, are we REALLY listening? It’s an oldie, although there’s a good...
How’s your mental focus?
Do you ever get distracted from what you were thinking or saying? You’re definitely not alone -...
Looking for ‘next level’?
If this is you, you may be able to relate to Delwyn - a delightful lady I’ve been treating - check...
Does it have to be this hard?
When it comes to our healthy lifestyle, this is a really interesting one and when I soul search I...
How’s your footprint impact?
Our latest topic is partly inspired by the tremendous episodes I've been listening to from the...
Shocking Truth – does pollution affect our Heart Health?
Pollution is a major global problem, and it’s been linked to an increased risk of heart disease,...
13 encouraging benefits when we exercise for heart health
13 encouraging benefits when we exercise for heart health Exercise has long been known to be an...
What’s your ‘shorten-the-distance’ goal?
I’m feeling thoroughly inspired after having listened to a fabulous kiwi podcast called ‘how to...