When we hear something or someone, are we REALLY listening?
It’s an oldie, although there’s a good deal of truth in the reminder that we have two ears and one mouth for an important reason!
I became aware of the idea of exquisite listening a few years ago when I was working with a Leadership coach who focused on this topic to help me be more effective in my communication.
And of course it’s put so well by Stephen Covey in one of his 7 habits of highly effective people – ‘seek first to understand, then be understood’.
Imagine how different our world would be if this were something we all practiced?
Can you relate to a habit I’ve definitely done a heap of in the past, namely to be thinking about what I’m going to say in reply as the person I’m talking with is speaking?
It really helps me to press my brain pause button and procrastinate my need to be doing anything other than listening attentively.
It also helps me to remember that I know my ideas on this topic, so the only way I can progress is to be open to hearing more info, including others’ opinions and thoughts
Another useful step is to remind myself that I love learning – and so practicing quality listening is an effective way for me to do just that.
How about you – are you good at being attentive, or is this an area that, like me, you have some room to continue growing your listening skills?
Until I see you on this week’s #AlivewithFi, have a tremendous week 🙂
Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O., I.N.H.C., is The LifeStyle Aligner. She’s an experienced practitioner since 1992 in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified Osteopath, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, speaker, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, and Health Brand Ambassador.

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¹I read a powerful book a few years ago, about taking the steps we need to create results, called ‘The Big Leap’ by Gay Hendricks. He shares some pearly gems that really cut to the chase on what actually works, check out this link to explore further –