According to the World Health Organisation, it’s cardiovascular disease.
Sure – this is not exactly new news – we’ve known this for some time.
According to the National Health Service,¹ we can minimise our risk by adjusting various lifestyle factors including reducing smoking and alcohol consumption, making sure that we have a healthy blood pressure and monitoring our blood sugar intake.
It used to be that fat was the evil killer when it comes to compromising our heart function and we’re now realising that this obsession with fat meant that creeping sugar levels went unnoticed.
It’s fair to say it can be confusing when attempting to figure out what’s actually healthy food.
A useful approach is to keep it simple – namely more fruits and veggies (especially fresh, green, leafies!), rather than food out of a jar, can or packet.
It’s hard to eat too many veggies as long as they’re not french fries with tomato sauce (believe it or not, they have been counted as portions of vegetables). Sure, we all get off track sometimes, and there’s no point in being super stressed about everything we consume! Although sticking to nature’s best can help set us up to win – especially with our cardiovascular health.
So how about you – how’re going with your healthy lifestyle?
As always it’s really good to hear from you.
I’m delighted to note that we’re noticing more and more of you who are benefiting from receiving our weekly newsletter which is great. It just shows me that a lot of us are keen to be proactive when it comes to health – not just thinking or talking about it…
…actually taking action.
Looking forward to seeing you on this week’s #ALivewithFi 🙂
Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O., I.N.H.C., is The LifeStyle Aligner. She’s an experienced practitioner since 1992 in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified Osteopath, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, speaker, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, and Health Brand Ambassador.

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¹Useful info for the prevention of cardiovascular disease –