We’re going to cover the experience of a delightful man Diego¹ with whom I’ve been blessed to work. He was having some challenges with odd sensations, some pain and persistent tingling that had been happening for a while.
He was aware that his movement was not balanced and that it was really disturbing many aspects of his life. Diego really appreciated us delving deeply into the specifics to help clarify any patterns that have held him back from full recovery.
He’s found this process valuable by allowing him to self-evaluate. Because more often than not, we instinctively know what we need although appropriate external guidance can help us navigate.
We can end up in the dark for a variety of reasons, and for many of us, life gets in the way.
Diego found the approach we took effective, that includes the specifics of what he can be doing himself to make a positive difference to his progress (exercises, hydrdrotherapy, etc.)
I’ve found that’s it’s often wise to have at least a second opinion, build a
strategy that fits for your particular situation and then move forward with a plan that’s effective for you.
So if you know of someone who’s been putting up with a situation that’s been lingering and not resolving, and they’re feeling stumped – this might be an inspiring note for you to share with them.
Please do! Regardless, it’s always good to hear from you.
Have a fabulous one and see you on this week’s #ALivewithFi – Ciao 🙂
Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O., I.N.H.C., is The LifeStyle Aligner. She’s an experienced practitioner since 1992 in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified Osteopath, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, speaker, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, and Health Brand Ambassador.

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1 https://www.fijamiesonfolland.com/praise/