Can you relate to a way that I’ve definitely felt from time to time? Namely a little overwhelmed around the extent of the damage that’s happened/happening to our environment – now more-so than ever.
I’ve found some comfort in the thought of doing what we can with where we’re at right now. In fact, there’s a really interesting website¹ that’s been put together by some people in the UK, focusing on starting with where you’re at.
It begins with our circle of influence rather than attempting to have a really long reach (something I’ve found myself feeling stretched with in the past, especially when during our 5-6 years of traveling).
The simplest things can make the biggest difference.
Mindful recycling is a great start. For example, a useful hack we’ve found with our used paper bags from the supermarket is to screw them up and squeeze them into the centre of used loo rolls.
Hey presto! Nifty fire lighters.
Starting a compost for your organic waste is another goodie.
A cool approach that’s being trialed in many Auckland suburbs is for each household to have their own little compost bin to place household organic waste, which is collected each week by the local Council.
Sure, many of us would love to be able to do more, although starting with where we are is where it’s at.
You might put your hand up for a beach cleanup or it might be some tree planting.
Whatever it may be, taking this step can empower us to feel better about what’s happening.
One step at a time really can make a difference.
Is this an area you feel passionate about too?
Looking forward to hearing from you, and seeing you on this week’s #ALivewithFi ~ ciao for now 🙂
Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O., I.N.H.C., is The LifeStyle Aligner. She’s an experienced practitioner since 1992 in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified Osteopath, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, speaker, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, and Health Brand Ambassador.

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¹Tips for starting where we are