I’m feeling thoroughly inspired after having listened to a fabulous kiwi podcast called ‘how to save the world’ hosted by a Waveney and Tim.
I’ve fallen in love with this podcast and hungrily listen to their episodes whenever I can (fortunately for me there are plenty in the library to keep me going, given that they’ve finished producing more episodes of this podcast.)
So what’s their podcast all about 1 and what has me hooked?
It covers being aware of the ways we can do our best to look after our planet and practical ways to focus on things like zero waste. Basically, is that the planet’s ultimately going to be ok – this universe has expanded and imploded multiple times.
However, currently we seem to be on a path of enviro damage and self-destruction, and are seemingly set to take the plants and animals with us.
The podcast episode I listened to initially is all about what’s the one
thing that we can be doing to have a positive impact when it comes to minimising enviro damage?
I love the asy-to-remember phrase that Waveney has come up with, which is ‘shorten-the-distance’. This covers so many areas – from buying local rather than creating a larger carbon footprint via buying things from overseas plus opting to go just down the road to collect from a local grower…and even more ideal, to cycle there!
Plus reducing our waste and aiming towards zero waste.
Waveney is highly qualified to speak about this area because she and her husband lived a year with filling up only one rubbish sack (the type that gets picked up by the the trunk each week). I’m in awe of their commitment! They simply focused on buying items they could ultimately recycle once used, including the packaging the items came in, plus composted the organic matter.
It’s not my goal to attempt to cover the contents of this podcast here – it’s more about challenging myself on this concept in my own life.
And I’m curious – what’s one thing that you can be doing to ‘shorten-the-distance’ within your circle of influence?…
…and if you had a goal, what would it be?
As always looking forward to seeing you on this week’s #AlivewithFi – til then, ciao for now 😉
Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O., I.N.H.C., is The LifeStyle Aligner. She’s an experienced practitioner since 1992 in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified Osteopath, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, speaker, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, and Health Brand Ambassador.

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¹ Zero Waste approach is a valuable frame, and needs an motivated regular effort.