Winter-Exercise Busters

Fi Jamieson-Folland shares her top picks for keeping us active during the cooler months

Tired, grumpy, feeling out of shape and lack-lustre. Does this sound like you?

Chances are this could feel familiar; if you’re in one of the winter time zones right now, and you’ve been telling yourself you’re too busy to fit in exercise, or it’s too cold to be ‘out there’ right now, or that the gym doesn’t quite fit the budget currently.

So if it feels like it’s time to stop the denial, and to do something, then look no further – here are my 3 bust-the-cold-and-exercise-anyway winners –

  • Brisk walking; even when it’s raining! Investing in a good waterproof poncho (literally a couple of dollars) is one of the best things I ever did. I used to shrink back from rainy mornings – believing I was far better off staying inside warm and dry.
    I remember one morning when I didn’t have any other choice of exercise and I had a window to get on with it; so I just plunged out the door into the downpour.
    Fascinatingly; I survived.
    Not only that – I actually loved the way I practically had the street and the local beach to myself.





  • Exercycle in the spare room. I used to think this was a naf option; although once I’d used one a few times, and realized how convenient it is, I was a convert. Besides being handy on the real ‘freezer’ or completely torrential-mornings, it’s the ideal way to be listening to or even reading your fav author whilst getting a good work out.


  • Take the plunge and pop to the local public swimming pool for some laps; or even a class. Without doubt, this is the best way to work out when it comes to cardiovascular and joint health…and of course we need to include respiratory and immune system in there too.
    So even though you may not feel like hopping in water when winter’s nipping at your toes – the heated water will have you defrosted in no time.



Take away – Time to get moving! Remember our bodies are built to move – regardless of the outside temperature.
I’d love to hear which is your fav pick out of 1,2, and 3.


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Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O, is an Executive Lifestyle Consultant, with over 20  years experience in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified osteopath,  certified raw, vegan, gluten-free chef, educator, writer and health  mentor. She lives in Auckland with her husband Chris, relishing an outdoor  lifestyle and time with family and friends