When it comes to productivity, which of the approaches help us to be in the zone that we need to be in, to get the priority-tasks done?
These tasks can include being fully present with our loved ones or being on our best game to go on a volunteer trap-checking hike to help preserve native species.
The tasks don’t always have to be work.
As with most things, our ways to be in the zone are as unique as we are. 1
I’ll share what I came up with to help keep me on track and focused. You never know. you might find them handy for you or someone you know who’s keen to get more done in the time they have, and still have a life.
First tip is getting that fresh air.
For me, this happens ideally in nature and I’m blessed that I’m in a position to have that happen routinely on my morning walk first thing.
I realise that not all of us have this privilege in terms of our daily schedule, plus not all of us are morning people!
When I first met my husband Chri, he always made his gym visits later in the day, and this was because of his job hours and daily routine of staying up later and getting up later. Now that he doesn’t need to be in a specific place at a certain time (as we now work our own businesses from home), he’s enjoying more choices and flexibility.
No matter what may be the latest fad, or what your best friend is doing, it’s vital to find out what works best for you.
I’m fortunate that I discovered my early-to-bed, early-to-rise, exercise-first-thing preferences when I was 11 years-young, and have never looked back.
This is when I started to run and I noticed that it was more of a strain for me, both in attempting to get everything going to train effectively later in the day, especially in relation to food, and also in terms of my schedule.
Exercising later would mean I’d then be needing to eat later, which felt like a physical strain and didn’t always fit with my busy birth-family.
I’ve definitely noticed for many clients that simply getting up half an hour earlier can make all the difference (easier said than done for some in winter though!)
The second tip is pre-set up.
This is about getting set up beforehand with the year /quarter /month /week /day /hour’s priorities. These are ideally those items that are important and not urgent.
For Chris and I, we’re usually thinking 10+ years ahead and break it into smaller chunks from there.
This can help me resist going down the highly attractive rabbit holes that I inevitably discover along the way.
Knowing I only have 10 mins left to complete a priority really helps me to resist the urge and cut to the chase.
Another tip that helps me and many clients, to make exercising more likely to happen – especially if I have a full schedule and it’s very cold or raining, is to have an exercycle and or a rowing machine handy. Less room for excuses!
The third tip is fuel.
Body fuel – so our solid and fluid sustenance. What we’re not having can sometimes be as important as what we are having.
I’ll also include what we feed our minds here, as the wonderful Jim Rohn puts it ‘bread for the head’.
As always, I look forward to seeing you on this week’s #AlivewithFi, Ciao 🙂
Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O., I.N.H.C., is The LifeStyle Aligner. She’s an experienced practitioner since 1992 in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified Osteopath, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, speaker, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, and Health Brand Ambassador.

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