Daft, loaded question really, isn’t it?
However, it could be rather apt at this point to share with you the experience of a beautiful lady Tara, with whom I’ve had the extraordinary good fortune to be working since September 2020.
In her words “I was experiencing challenges in a number of areas. I wasn’t sleeping well at night or drinking enough water. I was coming up short in sticking to a daily morning routine of exercise and meditation. I had gained weight and wanted to shed it so that I could feel more fit, vibrant, and confident.”
So how’s Tara been doing? She’s gone from strength to strength in her positive results and even more so since she gave her latest feedback.
You may well find her story valuable in terms of if you or someone you know are ready to make changes in your life.
A great place to begin is with the reason you’re not where you desire to be yet. It could be that you’re currently missing out on some key pointers (some of which Tara itemises here, that she feels have made a difference). Nothing to lose and all to gain by checking her sharing out for yourself to see what you think! 1
For Tara, it’s been invaluable to help her with the process we’ve taken to help her forward progress, including monitoring and adjusting as needed to achieve her goals. It’s about finding a different routine from the missing-the-mark-one and simply feeling stuck about what to do next.
Tara appreciates the way that we go through focused and specific questions to guide her on how to get to where she really wants to go because she’s the one who ultimately knows. What she’s found is that this process has really helped her create and refine her health goals and recognise and examine which particular obstacles specifically stand in her way.
She can then figure out what’s the best way for her to conquer them as we brainstorm her possible solutions options together.
Have you noticed too, that we usually do know the answer, there truly is no new information and in fact when we tap into our genius anything is possible?
If this is useful, please do share.
And until I see you on this week’s #AlivewithFi, have a fabulous day – make it count!
Ciao 🙂
1 Here’s your link to check out Tara’s video and written stories
Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O., I.N.H.C., is The LifeStyle Aligner. She’s an experienced practitioner since 1992 in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified Osteopath, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, speaker, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, and Health Brand Ambassador.