I have a feeling you’ll appreciate Satu’s story.
Satu is a delightful lady based in Finland whom I met in Bali when I had the pleasure of helping a friend who was running a Yoga Retreat. You can check out her story in her own words here. ¹
Her experience can be relevant for many of us, as it’s helped her to think about her life in a whole new way – something it seems we can all benefit from doing periodically.
In her words ‘I have made some radical changes in my life since then. I think it’s just amazing how well I’ve slept.’
Prioritising my sleeping is a step that’s come relatively recently for me (at the time of writing). There really had been a gap for me in this area, and it even used to be a mantra of mine that I could ‘sleep when I’m dead’!
Energy + confidence
Since we started working together Satu feels her energy is flowing in a positive way for her in multiple areas, plus her level of self-confidence and ultimately how happy she feels.
Who do you know?
So I have a question for you!
Who do you know who could do with feeling happier, having more energy and sleeping better?
The startling thing is that when we can actually give ourselves the support and the tools that we need to create the results that we’re looking for, magic can happen.
You never know – sharing this blog might turn things around in a positive way for someone you care about.
So, if you found this useful please do share and see you to this week’s #ALivewithFi 🙂
¹ Fi’s consultation got me thinking about my life in a new way and I have made radical changes in my life since then. I think it’s just amazing how well I have slept since then. In fact, before meeting Fi I would say my sleeping was 5/10 and now has been 9/10 (with 10 being excellent).
Praise for Fi
Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O., I.N.H.C., is The LifeStyle Aligner. She’s an experienced practitioner since 1992 in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified Osteopath, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, speaker, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, and Health Brand Ambassador.