by Fi Jamieson Folland | Feb 5, 2017 | Articles, Movement, The Body Beautiful
Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O, is a Lifestyle Consultant, with over 26 years experience in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified osteopath, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, speaker and health mentor and Health + LifeStyle Brand Ambassador. She...
by Fi Jamieson Folland | Feb 5, 2017 | Articles, Nutrition, The Body Beautiful
We are what we eat (or more specifically – what we ate!) So it’s logical that we can influence our health with the way we nutrient each area of our body – including our adrenal glands. Before we look at the specific foods to support our adrenals, the best place to...
by Fi Jamieson Folland | Jan 24, 2017 | Articles, Nutrition, The Body Beautiful
Yummy Energy Boosters Why? I find these perfect as a delicious, slow-release, energy snack option. They’re ideal for those times you need something healthy, easy and fast! It’s also a great way to add in some alkalizing green goodies, without overpowering the taste....
by Fi Jamieson Folland | Jan 9, 2017 | Health Stylin', Articles, Movement, The Body Beautiful
A picture says a thousand words, and when it comes to our ability to maintain our ideal shape – it’s handy to think of an open fire (or furnace). Our bodies have an internal furnace that needs to be stimulated to burn efficiently and consistently, to use the fuel (the...
by Fi Jamieson Folland | Jan 9, 2017 | Articles, Movement, The Body Beautiful
Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O, is a Lifestyle Consultant, with over 26 years experience in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified osteopath, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, speaker, health mentor, LifeStyle and Health Ambassador. She lives in NZ...
by Fi Jamieson Folland | Dec 25, 2016 | Articles, Nutrition, The Body Beautiful
Yep! It is possible to relish tasty nibbles that fit in with a Healthy LifeStyle as we welcome in the New Year. These goodies are versatile and handy for most situations; whether it’s entertaining, curling up in front of a movie, or hanging by the beach if we happen...