Want Good Posture?

If you’d like more Health Hacks, free recipes and lifestyle tips join our newsletter HERE Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O, is an Executive Lifestyle Consultant, with over 20  years experience in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified osteopath,  certified raw, vegan,...

The Missing Link

Do you ever feel tired, irritable, fuzzy-headed, needing to snack all the time and decidedly lack-lustre? It may well be that you’re dehydrated. Apparently as many as 75% of us are dehydrated at any given time. That’s alot of people walking around feeling under-par!...

Winter Exercise Busters

Winter-Exercise Busters Fi Jamieson-Folland shares her top picks for keeping us active during the cooler months Tired, grumpy, feeling out of shape and lack-lustre. Does this sound like you? Chances are this could feel familiar; if you’re in one of the winter time...