Team Effort


If you’re keen for meal ideas after a big day out with the family, then check out this combo for a healthy family feed.Packed with readily-available nutrients, from vitamins and minerals, low GI carbs, proteins, fibre and the right omegas to look after growing bones and busy joints, hearts, digestion and even brain health.

Combine the following recipes as a starting point, and check out ‘Delicious Eating…Naturally’ HERE for variations on dips and wraps.

Begin with – Yumus and rice crackers

Followed by warmed soup – here’s a great one I found recently. Just warm it before serving (although avoid boiling!)

Next – Must-have mushrooms With… Omega’s Alive!


walnut - brain













Time for some variety on a tasty dip that may  feel familiar!



For a boost of good omegas (ideal for cardiovascular, joint, brain and skin health)



The perfect dip, spread or stuffing – for example with ‘Must-have mushrooms’.



2 cups fresh basil, chopped 2

2 tbsp fresh oregano, chopped

1 tbsp fresh sage, chopped

¼ cup pinenuts

3/4 cup walnuts (pre-soaked overnight, rinsed and drained before use)

1 tsp brown miso paste

3-4 tbsp cold pressed olive oil


What to do

In your food processor, process all the ingredients (except the olive oil). A slightly chunky consistency is ideal.

Makes the ideal stuffing for ‘Must-have mushrooms’, or simply served as a dip.

Fabulous as a spread on raw or rice crackers, and to top off a romaine salad.


Top tips for a Great Dip

• Experiment with flavours by adjusting your herbs – fresh parsley is gorgeous

• Include organic and go with the raw options where you can – they often have more active ingredients.


Take away – If you’d like regular updates, including a whole bunch of tasty, fast, low GI recipes that tick the most common allergy-free boxes, join our newsletter here


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Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O, is an Executive Lifestyle Consultant, with over 20 years experience in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified osteopath, certified raw, vegan, gluten-free chef, educator, writer and health mentor. She lives in Auckland with her husband Chris, relishing an outdoor lifestyle and time with family and friends.