How to start making simple changes in our diet, inspired by the 90 day challenge. What simple changes could you make for 90 days?

Having recently completed my first 90Day Gratitude Challenge – I’m been reminded of how do-able the building of a new habit-muscle from scratch can be. Plus I’ve personally experienced all the ongoing, self-perpetuatiing benefits coming from this process – including greater clarity, willingness to follow through, and more resilience.

So what are the possibilities for applying this process to other areas of our lives – like our nutritional habits, for example? Basically, the potential is unlimited.

The key though, is to begin small, with simple, regular, subtle changes that we almost don’t notice initially.

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After a few days though we may notice something feels a little different – and then after a week, that sense of change maybe slightly greater. After a month though – the difference can really start to kick in, and the sense of ease increases. After the second month, it’s starting to feel automatic, and by the third – it’s simply part of what we do…and at this stage, it can almost feel ‘easy’!

So – if you want a life-long result, that comes from making adjustments that you almost don’t notice – then this process is for you.

Check out the video link below for some ideas on how to start your own 90Day Nutritional Challenge

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 Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O, is an Executive Lifestyle Consultant, with over 20  years experience in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified osteopath,  certified raw, vegan, gluten-free chef, educator, writer and health  mentor. She lives in Auckland with her husband Chris, relishing an outdoor  lifestyle and time with family and friends