This question is inspired by a book about Gutsy Women, written by Hillary and Chelsea Clinton, that Chris and I are reading to each other at the moment.
And it’s not only about women.
Part of the perspective shared is the idea that we don’t necessarily need to be born with a specific talent at something in order to develop the ability to succeed at it.
We might see people who are naturally talented and who seemingly breeze through their studies, jobs, sports, relationships or hobbies.
I know I really needed to slog away at my studies, and it didn’t necessarily come easily. Interestingly though, I chose to study the subjects that challenged me, particularly the sciences, because I decided I was going to do what it took to get a handle on these complex subjects. (I was smitten with the idea of being a dentist from the age of 6, and didn’t adjust my course until I was 19!)
I realised whilst I didn’t seem to have natural ability with chemistry, biology and physics, I could invest my time and energy to make up that talent-shortfall.
I believe this theory applies to anything. 1
For example, we might say, I’ve naturally got a sweet tooth so I just can’t resist.
However, satisfying a sweet tooth in a way that’s nourishing our bodies, rather than just relying on iron willpower, might be more doable (and enjoyable!) when we find a healthy way to replace cravings.
Whatever it might be – relationships, productivity, health, exercise, eating – we can apply ourselves to become confident in that area, even if it’s not in our natural repertoire.
One person who shows me just how much is possible by just going for it with new things is my inspiring friend Adrian Miller. She’s a force of nature!
I’m curious to hear what pops up for you from these musings, and in the meantime, I’m looking forward to seeing you on this week’s #AliveWithFi 🙂
1 When we believe we can do something, then we often can.
“It also works the other way around. [For example,] if you believe you don’t have the leadership skills to run a meeting, your insecurity will undermine your authority.”
My experience is we give our potential a hand-up by replacing the need for natural talent with an investment of our belief, energy and time to do what it takes to get the job done.
“Believe in What You Can Do”
L. Deschene, (n.d.)
Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O., I.N.H.C., is The LifeStyle Aligner. She’s an experienced practitioner since 1992 in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified Osteopath, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, speaker, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, and Health Brand Ambassador.