It’s time to share Alethea’s feedback from since we began working together in early 2021.
You may notice that you – or someone you know – maybe able to relate in some way. The important message here is that we don’t have to put up with feeling unwell, or even just a little ‘meh’.
So, let’s hear Alethea’s experience in her own words –
Before I started working with Fi, I was in pain every day. I have always been an intense and sensitive person. The pain I was feeling included pain in my sternum and spine which was about 8.5/10 on the pain scale (with 10 being the most). Since working with Fi, my pain is often down around 4.5 which has significantly impacted my quality of life.
For Alethea, the approach we’ve taken has resulted in less daily pain. She’s realised that she’s been putting up with a lot of pain she’s now more empowered to prevent.
She adds –
I’m also more relaxed in my body which is a first for me. It is simply wonderful to feel well which I have not felt for over a year. I’ve noticed I’m now doing my breathing exercises throughout the day without even thinking about it.
In Alethea’s case, the relaxation techniques we practiced also had a positive effect.
Lastly, she says –
After one of my consults with Fi, I felt much lighter and much freer. I feel as though I’m more in touch with my true self. This is something I’ve not been experiencing for a long time.
Since then my husband has noticed a change in me. He says I am spicier and he loves it. He loves seeing me starting to live without fear.
Ultimately, Alethea’s decision to work with me on a specific plan for her Healthy LifeStyle has created significant improvements for her life – see her full feedback here.
If you know of someone who maybe suffering with pain or discomfort, please do share Alethea’s experience. It just might make all the difference when that person most needs inspiration. 1
Until I see you for this week’s #AliveWithFi, keep sharing your sunshine 🙂
1 If we’re keen to resolve some areas of our health imbalance, it can help to have fresh eyes on our situation. Sure, we may know the theory of what to do, although applying it when we need to isn’t always such a piece of cake.
Whilst it’s true that “pursuing wellness is choosing to create a lifestyle that aims to enhance the wellbeing of every area of your life. Supporting and improving your mental, emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual and physical health” – the first step is to choose to go after it.
“6 Important Reasons to Focus on Wellness”
Mind Medicine, (2020).
Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O., I.N.H.C., is The LifeStyle Aligner. She’s an experienced practitioner since 1992 in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified Osteopath, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, speaker, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, and Health Brand Ambassador.