Are you lacking motivation

Lacking the umph to follow through with what it is that you really know you need or even want to do, although there’s something blocking you?  If this is you, then here’s ¹ a handy resource that might be helpful for you or someone you know.

It might be a number of things, including boredom, your response to stress or maybe even burnout.

I’ve never experienced boredom, although I’ve certainly experienced some burnout. Thank heavens I – eventually – took the necessary action to stop that in its tracks, and I’m now able to spot feelings of overwhelm as a useful signpost for me to stop and reevaluate my current path.

You may have heard me mention before one of my fav phrases from one of my mentors Dr Denis Waitley – ‘Our hand will not reach for what our heart does not yearn for.’

  In other words, we’ve got to really want something for us to actually move our butt and make a change.  An obvious way of helping ourselves if this is where we end up, is to do some robust goal setting.

I’ve found both personally and with many clients, an effective place to start if we’re lacking umph is with self-care. Practicing self-care can be a game changer in so many instances if we’re off track somewhere in our lives.

A specific area that can be out of kilter when it comes to self-care, is our emotional/mental health, especially in relation  to handling the stress in our lives.

Of course if it’s a chronic situation that’s feeling way too hard, it might be worth talking to a qualified practitioner to get back on track.

Sometimes, simply being more gentle and kind with ourselves, and less demanding can make all the difference.

It’s really so often about balance.

When I was studying for my A- levels in the UK and needed to get the right grades to go to University to study Dentistry, I was really pushing myself and studying every single hour that I wasn’t attending classes. I vividly remember a friend of my landlady saying ‘all work and no play makes Fi a dull girl.’

Crikey those words really helped me to wake up and give myself a break. As it is, I did get those grades I needed, although as you know I ended up shifting tack and becoming qualified as an Osteopath, however it made all the difference to back off and give myself some breathing space.

 What are your thoughts on this – have you ever noticed a lack of umph, and if so, is there something that helped you to move through that? Always good to hear from you and I’ll see you on this week’s #AlivewithFi ~ ciao for now 🙂

¹Things to consider if you’re lacking motivation –

Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O., I.N.H.C., is The LifeStyle Aligner. She’s an experienced practitioner since 1992 in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified Osteopath, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, speaker, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, and Health Brand Ambassador.

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