*Happy New Year*
How does starting as we mean to go on fit for you as you enjoy your first few days of this New Year?
Consistency is key; although figuring out what we really want so we know where we’re going to, is the first step.
The rocking chair test can be a handy tool for pondering this one.  It’s one that several of my mentors have mentioned over the years;


Imagine yourself in your more senior years sitting in a rocking chair, reflecting on the events of your life and on your life’s bucket list.  Are your thoughts – ‘my life’s turned out the way I thought it would; I really went for it!’—or are they ‘I settled’? 1


Actually, we get to ask this question every day. And the gift is that the opportunity for change is this moment. Yep THIS one moment here.


Now imagine with me that you’re looking in the mirror and it’s 31st December 2019. What’s on your ‘OH YES!’ list to have happened between today and then? (whittling down our wish list to our top three really helps.)
Write these 3 down, craft a mind-map or even create a dream board to bring them alive. Stick it up (or even – as a mentor of mine does – frame it) and keep it where it can be seen regularly. Hey presto – one of the most powerful ways to manifest our goals.
And if this could be handy for a friend or loved one, please do offer it to them.
Ciao for now – ‘til I see you on this week’s #AliveWithFi


1The Rocking Chair test means thinking about how, at the end of your life, you might sincerely answer this question: “what will you regret not doing more of?” “The Rocking Chair Scenario: The Test That May Change Your Life” B. Burridge (2011)

Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O, is The LifeStyle Aligner, with over 26 years experience in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified osteopath, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, speaker, health mentor and Health Brand Ambassador. She loves to globe-trot with her husband Chris (NZ, Australia, USA, UK + Europe and Indonesia are current favourites) relishing an outdoor lifestyle and time with family and friends.