…when it comes to specific health challenges.
Yes there are some super convenient ‘plasters’ that we can pop over things and sometimes we actually do need to do that. Examples of this might be if there’s
been in a debilitating accident (as when Chris and I got knocked over on a pedestrian crossing by car) and using pain relief to cope with a broken skull and limbs.
I’m very fortunate that this is pretty much the only time I’ve needed to take medication.
Now when it comes to chronic, degenerative, long-term health challenges, the research is showing that making lifestyle adjustments can have a positive effect for long term results.
When it comes to wanting to get to the root cause of a health challenge, it’s worth hearing Katherine’s story1 . She came to me because she was experiencing pain and
she’d only been offered anti-inflammatories.
She’s really appreciating learning more about the reason for her pain in the first place, plus the steps she can be taking to help the symptoms, and then turn things around with a preventative focus to avoid future problems.
She’s found thermotherapy, and specific, tailored Nutritionals, plus guidelines on general nutrition for effective detox without needing to rearrange her life or follow a disruptive program.
Katherine’s thrilled that her turnaround has been very fast, and she’s reaping the rewards of really drilling down to the specifics of her personal keys to positive health.
And here’s the thing – each of us are as unique on the inside as we are on the outside when it comes to our specific lifestyle preferences. Plus of course, our needs change over time.
This is in contrast to for example following a trendy fad diet, or the latest, hot workout program.
So this is great for Katherine – what about you or someone you know who’s in a bit of a pickle and looking for a positive way forward, rather than more of the same? The adjustments we need to make may not have to be huge ones!
See you on this week’s #AlivewithFi – and have a great week 🙂
Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O., I.N.H.C., is The LifeStyle Aligner. She’s an experienced practitioner since 1992 in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified Osteopath, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, speaker, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, and Health Brand Ambassador.

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1 Check out Katherine’s story here (link for our website praise page)