It was at around lap 26, as I was swimming this morning in the most stunning pool, that I realised there’s something you need to know.
Something that’s been helping me make progress with being good to myself.
And if you’re wondering what I mean by ‘being good to myself’ – this link will shed more light!

Can you relate when I say that I have 2 voices in my head – once that encourages me, and the other that does the opposite? Part of my journey is to learn to hear them, and then let go of these voices. Both of them.
A book I’m currently re-reading is helping me with building this new muscle, and I highly recommend it – it’s ‘The Untethered Soul’ – Michael Singer. In fact, whilst I think of it, another is ‘The monk who sold his Ferrari’ – Robin Sharma.
The other resource I’m benefiting from is the audio series ‘The Neuropsychology of Winning’ – Dr Denis Waitley. I’ve been a fan of Denis’ work ever since I discovered the audio of ‘POW’ and his latest work takes things to a whole new level.

One of the things Denis mentions is to spot the things we’re doing that are moving us in the direction we choose to be going. And to make a habit of spotting our ‘wins’ each day; even the mini ones.

Spotting them will mean we begin looking out for them.
The more we look out for them, the more we create them.
And this turns into a ‘victor’s cycle of success’.

Take away – If this makes sense to you, and you’re already on your journey – I’d love to hear of any resources you’re finding valuable.

And if you’re wondering what I mean and you’re curious, then message me too! Email ( or message me on FB are best.
I’d love to hear from you.

sl3-first-300x300Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O, is a Lifestyle Consultant, with over 20 years experience in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified osteopath, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, speaker and health mentor, LifeStyle and Health Brand Ambassador. She lives in NZ and Indonesia with her husband Chris, relishing an outdoor lifestyle and time with family and friends.