Our resident Financial Health Coach Chris Folland has some valuable thoughts on the terms we choose for travelling through your life – especially during these interesting times for many of us.
Over to Chris…
It’s a big sea of opportunity, and the metaphor I like to use is are you going to approach this sea with a teaspoon or are you going to lay a pipeline? Meaning – how are you going to choose to travel through your life – what are your terms?
With COVID 19, a lot of people aren’t able to move around or travel as they usually might, and it can feel claustrophobic. It can also help us realise what we do want and how we might go after getting it when we do have the opportunity to.
Our freedom is in the details, namely when you want, where you want, what you want, with whom you want.
And here’s the thing. You get to write those terms.
When these details are written by someone else, you’ve delegated your terms to someone else. 1
I think that this is the issue that many people face, which is are they settling for a specific lifestyle and maybe feeling quietly desperate about it?
Quiet desperation is when life is not working out like we want it to, although we’re not sure what to do about it.
For a long time, that was me. I started working when I was 12 years old. My first real job was at 21, and I was a lawyer by 23. That’s when I sensed what it would be like for the rest of my life with those terms. At first, I wasn’t sure how to marry what I had with what I wanted.
And then I found mentors who had what I wanted and who taught me how to get it myself, and I’ve found that successful people want to share their roadmap of success with others.
So, if you’re feeling that disconnect and you want to choose your travel terms, I encourage you to reach out and get the insight that just might give you the freedom you want.
Message me if you’d like to chat more, and remember to join us for this week’s #AliveWithFi when we talk more on how to do this – see you then ☺
1It can be easy to feel stuck. However when we simply follow behind someone else’s “path, systems and way of doing things,” it’s not going to be as satisfying as following our own.
Instead, it’s ultimately more rewarding to “listen to your own intuition and soul guidance – and what that looks like is different for everyone.” The first step to figuring out our own path and terms is to be honest with what we want. Then, we can find a mentor who’s on track following similar dreams.
“7 Steps to Forging Your Own Path”
P. Monaco, (2018)
Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O., I.N.H.C., is The LifeStyle Aligner. She’s an experienced practitioner since 1992 in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified Osteopath, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, speaker, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, and Health Brand Ambassador.