Namely – what is it that has you decide to take your next step?…
In fact, what has you decide to not only take your next step – what is it that compels you to reach for higher ground?…
…to be your best you?
When we get to the bottom of this very personal question, then we really do have it sorted.
Creating our ideal outcomes can be a flow of effortless ease from this point onwards.
Chores can shift to being tasks that we ‘get to do’.
I’ve definitely done a good deal of naval-gazing on this one over the years, and I feel really privileged and happy that I’ve had this opportunity.
My journey began on the road to figuring out what I sometimes call my ‘why’ when I was 18 and I decided to do my OE (overseas experience) the following year to Australia. My wonderful landlady Suzanne loaned me the money to go and she also invited me to sincerely question whether being a dentist was the best way forward for me in my life.
(I’d decided when I was 11 that I would be a dentist and hadn’t questioned it since. I was having cold feet when I was sitting my exams to secure my place at dental Uni and whilst I did receive several placement offers, I realised just in time that this wasn’t the path for me – thanks heavens I did!)
Suzanne was right and I’m grateful that she’s also the person who introduced me to the idea of Osteopathy as a profession for me.
This suggestion also helped me tap into the fact that I’m really motivated to help other people. Not least because I’ve been so incredibly blessed in multiple ways with abundance – emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically, financially, and in relationships.
This penny dropping about helping others is how the 2Gether Foundation came about – being able to make apositive difference in the lives of those who aren’t as privileged as me.
If this sounds interesting to you, check out this page on my website. That page also has a thermometer which shows how many impacts we’ve made since we started this journey towards our target of 1 million – the current total is 103,177 giving impacts that we’ve been able to create through a whole bunch of different ways with the help of a tremendous group of heart-centred people around the world.
So! until I see on this week’s #ALivewithFi and have a fabulous week 🙂
Here’s that ‘giving back’ page on my website for you to explore
Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O., I.N.H.C., is The LifeStyle Aligner. She’s an experienced practitioner since 1992 in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified Osteopath, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, speaker, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, and Health Brand Ambassador.