It’s time for us to hear from our resident Financial Health Coach, Chris Folland. This week, he’s inviting us to answer an interesting question – who runs your schedule?
Take it away Chris…
Before we dig deeper on that initial question, let’s review one we asked a while ago, namely what’s your most valuable asset? Is it your house, car, or your boat?
In reality, the answer must be our time. And Einstein has an interesting perspective on this one – that we get to shape time the way we choose to.
So if time really is our greatest asset, then do you have dominion over your life, your schedule, and over what you’re spending your life doing? And if you don’t, have you delegated that authority, or have you given it someone else by mistake?
Once you decide what you want to do, it’s ok to delegate the management.
The reason I’m asking who runs your schedule? is because I lost control of my schedule in the past and I paid the consequences.
When we don’t run our own schedule, we might notice we get paid less and we feel less satisfied. Plus we often tend to experience less financial independence and freedom.
Spotting that I was being paid less motivated me to take steps to run my own schedule in such a way that I’m now disconnected from my income stream so that I have it coming in without needing me to be there.
So, when we take responsibility back and resume control, and we put in consistent effort, then more often than not things change for the better.
It all comes down to who you decide is going to take responsibility. 1
We’ll ponder more on this question when we meet for #AliveWIthFi and until then, have a fantastic week, running your own schedule!
1It might sound blunt, although here’s the bottom line – to run our own schedule, we must “stop valuing other people’s time more than ours.” It’s the fundamental starting point to take control of our own schedule – and our own life.
“6 Ways to Regain Control of Your Schedule”
- Blank, (2018)
Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O., I.N.H.C., is The LifeStyle Aligner. She’s an experienced practitioner since 1992 in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified Osteopath, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, speaker, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, and Health Brand Ambassador.