by Fi Jamieson Folland | Mar 14, 2017 | Articles, Conscious Living, Living Lightly
by Fi Jamieson Folland | Feb 5, 2017 | Articles, Conscious Living, Living Lightly
We’ve all been there. The bottom line – is there a way through this that actually works? Yes. I believe (and know for me) there is. Although a word of caution; it takes being frank with ourselves. And being prepared to change. So if these steps are too pricey...
by Fi Jamieson Folland | Dec 25, 2016 | Articles, Conscious Living, Living Lightly
Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O, is a Lifestyle Consultant, with over 26 years experience in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified osteopath, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, speaker, health mentor, LifeStyle and Health Brand Ambassador. She lives...
by Fi Jamieson Folland | Nov 12, 2016 | Articles, Conscious Living, Living Lightly
Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O, is a Lifestyle Consultant, with over 20 years experience in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified osteopath, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, speaker, health mentor, LifeStyle and Health Ambassador. She lives in NZ...
by Fi Jamieson Folland | Nov 12, 2016 | Articles, Conscious Living, Living Lightly
This sometimes-debilitating health challenge maybe more common than we think. One study showed 60% of the population experience acid reflux during the year, and 20% of people every week. How do we know we have acid reflux? The sensations experienced can range from a...
by Fi Jamieson Folland | Aug 25, 2016 | Articles, Conscious Living, Living Lightly
You’ve heard it. I’ve heard it. We’ve all heard the oxygen mask cliché; how we need to put on our own mask on the aeroplane if there’s a loss of cabin air pressure, before we help our kids put on theirs. However, knowing this one off by heart doesn’t mean that we...