When Erin and I first started working together, she was aware of things she could be doing to take care of herself and knew the importance of looking after her own health, although as a very busy mom, teacher and writer, her family always came top of her list.
The conundrum is that when we don’t take good care of ourselves, we often end up running out of steam to help others.
Once Erin was clear on this concept, we designed an approach to prioritise her own needs whilst juggling her responsibilities. With little steps over the following months she’s made enormous gains.
She’s shifted her mindset of taking supplements here and there, having spats of drinking of water and occasional stretching—to consistently taking proven, results-based steps.
Together we’ve figured out the best way to align her health so that it’s simply a part of her lifestyle, and her results are significant.
From strength training and building a strong base for her running, to having more energy, to getting sick less (an especially-appreciated bonus!) she finds she’s better able to meet the demands she asks of herself because she’s prioritizing her self-care.
Big changes from small, daily steps.
Maybe you know someone who’s in a similar situation (eg. wanting to feel vibrant and having on-and-off flurries of healthy activity) who might benefit from hearing of Erin’s benefits too. What could be possible with getting a strong foundation and putting habits in place to create extraordinary results? 1
Extraordinary results that are life-long.
See you on this week’s #AliveWithFi. Ciao for now – and keep sharing your sunshine!
1 It’s easy to keep pushing ourselves yet the cost is great. Instead, taking care of ourselves allows us to give to others and those we love. The lessons from self-care are profound: “once I began to take care of myself—body, mind, and soul—I started to feel happier and more balanced, energized, and alive. Investing in my self-care was the best decision I could ever make, and a life changing one.” “How I Prioritize and Take Care of Myself Without Feeling Selfish” S. Fabian (n.d.)
Fi Jamieson-Folland D.O., I.N.H.C., is The LifeStyle Aligner. She’s an experienced practitioner since 1992 in Europe, Asia and New Zealand as a qualified Osteopath, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, speaker, educator, writer, certified raw vegan gluten-free chef, and Health Brand Ambassador.