*Guilt-free Nanaimo Bars*

*Guilt-free Nanaimo Bars*

By popular demand!.. Why? Because you can! Here’s your healthy way to indulge in a world-wide, favourite dessert – and it’s fast; just 10 mins prep! When? One of these is your perfect energy-packed snak option, plus perfect for kids’ lunchboxes. It goes al long way...



Which one would be your idea of a delicious meal option?... One that fits the bill as a kind of smorgasbord of all the goodies for a nutrition-packed, well-balanced meal with enzymes, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, good protein, slow-release carbs, fibre and...



I'm often asked, when you're on the road, how do you guarantee yourself some weight-bearing exercise, Fi? There's a cool way, that doesn't call for weights, or complex equipment, and that relies purely on your own body weight! As you can see, it's the handstand! If...

*Guilt-free Nanaimo Bars*


Inspired from our recent Canadian trip, and from a recent catch up with a dear friend Renata Kunz Mathewson, a classic favourite is definitely in need of the spotlight... Who loves the popular, North American dessert - that's a favourite in minty, peanut, coconut and...