Turning Things Around for the Better
It’s a no-brainer that any steps in the right direction have got to be good, and a beautiful illustration of this was my mid-Program check-in with Darrin, who’s been steadily focusing for the last few months on taking the steps to reach his health goals. Darrin’s an...
Better Has Got To Be Good!
Back to Basics with Bells On
Back to Basics
The mother-of-all- wakeup calls that changed my life came when I was 21 and was given three years to live unless I took medication every day for the rest of my life. That diagnosis was my reality-check to go back to basics. I chose to make it a doorway to really look...
Hidden Opportunity in the Glitch
This week’s challenge-buster is seeing the golden glitch in whatever gnarly-bit it is that we’re facing. 1 You may be able to relate. Sometimes when things are going really well, the pendulum can end up swinging in the opposite direction; into not-so-crash-hot-ville....
How To Have a Travel Lifestyle
How to Create a Travel Lifestyle
I’m delighted to have the opportunity to connect with you for this week’s topic! So, the short answer is to create a residual income which is large enough to cover your expenses, including your travel experiences. The long answer is based on my own experience living a...
We’re Not Identical
Debunking One-Size-Fits-All
This week’s ground-breaking newsflash – we’re not identical with our health-needs. 1 Interestingly, while we’re often encouraged to be our own unique selves in our life-expression, we aren’t always hearing the ‘bio-individual’ message that we have different health...