Back on track for Joe
Joe’s Back on Track
When I first met Joe, he was having digestive challenges (he had been on extended water fast and prior to this had been following a raw, vegan diet for a year. At that point, he was experiencing weakness, fatigue, and depression.) So, we talked about adjustments that...
8 Hot Tips to Optimise your Wellbeing
While the constant news about COVID-19, with the escalating steps to prevent its spread being front and centre for many, a clear focus on keeping ourselves as well as possible is one of the most powerful approaches we can take. Check out my 8 TOP health tips to...
Have you been sucked in?
Have You Been Sucked In?
This week we get to hear from our resident Financial Health Coach, Chris Folland. The hot topic is the big picture of whether we’re as stuck with our lot as we sometimes feel we may be. Over to Chris… As you may know, Fi and I run a Millionaire Academy. Near the end...
Creamy Cashew Delight
Ideal topping for your matcha latte! Ingredients (unprocessed + organic is best if poss!) 2 cups cashews, plus water for soaking 1/2 tsp sea salt 1 - 2 Tbsp honey to taste (I prefer to pre-soak a medjool date, although it means the cream is slightly grainy in colour)...
Are you tracking True North?
Is Your Compass Set For Your True North?
Sometimes, we can get so set in a particular direction that we forget to check whether this is actually where we really want to be heading. I’ve noticed from my own experience that sometimes my True North changes. When I was about 11, I decided that I wanted to be a...
Ready for Effortless Ease?
2 Keys for Effortless Ease
What if there’s a way to close the gap between the proverbial to-do list and our results? In other words - to be productive and actually reach our targets? Basically, it’s about making the most of the 24 hours we’re gifted each day. We don’t have access to more time,...