Valuable tips

Valuable tips

Today’s all about some useful health tips that Lisa picked up when she attended one of our workshops covering healthy skin…naturally. Lisa puts her thoughts succinctly 1 ‘I enjoyed the mini workshop on skin health and learned some valuable ways to look after my skin....

Going there

Going there

‘Going where?’ I hear you understandably ask! The context I’m meaning, is going there when it comes to experiencing our emotions. The reason I’m speaking to this topic today, is because of the valuable resource my dear Soul Sister Alison shared with me recently which...

Does focus alone cut it?

Does focus alone cut it?

Is focus all it takes to create the results that we want?  It really depends on what your role is. What I mean by this is if it's admin or data input,  then we don't necessarily need to be using communications skills to interact with people. This is a space in...

The value of a routine

The value of a routine

Let’s face it - routine’s work. We can think of them a bit like habits - which ultimately take us closer to, or further away from what we want. Vicky, one of our attendees (at one of our workshops on optimising our skin health, naturally) shared that she had a...