Is money over rated?
This might sound like a bizarre question to ask because we’re all familiar with the classic cliches like ‘money makes the world go around’. You may even have heard me say ‘money's not everything but it's right up there with oxygen when it comes to helping us be...
The most effective way to give back
First things first. Having the energy, focus and inclination to contribute 1 is superseded by self care. If my tank’s empty, I won't have anything available to give to anyone else. Being compassionate with myself might begin with pausing for a short break, or to focus...
Want to learn and retain, even when you’re stressed?
There are a myriad of ways to achieve this - today we’ll explore a specific Nutritional that’s designed with this end in mind. I've been impressed not only with what I've read about this Nutritional and the research that's behind it - also with my personal results...
We learn more when we’re relaxed
We seem to actually learn more when we're relaxed and having fun with no pressure. It turns out this isn’t just based on a feeling or hunch - a study that was done by Nature backs this up 1 And the results are showing that most of us can retain more information as...
What’s your #1 wish?
If you could wish for anything, what would you wish for? Would it be better health, more time, more money? ¹ It might be that there are certain material things that you’re really keen to have. For example, I love cycling and because our road is unsealed, riding here...
Wisdom from the earth
“The answer lies in the soil” - I love this phrase. It was one of my dad’s favs that he used in a very tongue-in-cheek way, semi-taking the mickey - although there's a lot of wisdom in it. This is because gardening can be high value, and not simply because of the...
Productivity is personal
According to one definition 1, productivity is how efficiently you can complete tasks important to you consistently. The ‘important to you’ part is vital, rather than going into churning-out-mode based on what we’ve been told to do. One of my mentors once shared with...
The #1 thing
What’s your number one priority in life? 1 You might say, like many of us, to be happy. This might be via whatever means you’re most drawn to, including via helping others, learning and growing, travelling, caring for those you love and ultimately through living your...
Do you want to have fun and learn something?
One of my mentors once shared with me some wise words indeed - ‘We're either green and growing or ripe and rotting’. It's certainly true for me. The more I encourage my brain to be hungry to learn new things, the more my appetite grows. For example, I’m tapping into...
Ever wonder what’s the point?
I can remember feeling this very thing about getting my financial health sorted - can you relate? To me it just seemed like a bottomless pit of challenges and I didn't really want to even start going there. I didn’t have a clue about the basics of making sure I...