Is it a bit of a squeeze?
Feeling the Squeeze?
Do you ever find yourself asking ‘how do I fit it all in?’ I familiar weekly pattern for me used to be ‘eek, I didn’t get it done – again’, and that good old to do list would expand a little more and roll over to the next week. I’m pleased to say that’s now changed....
Erin’s Self-Care Discovery
Erin’s Self-Care Pays Off – Big-Time
When Erin and I first started working together, she was aware of things she could be doing to take care of herself and knew the importance of looking after her own health, although as a very busy mom, teacher and writer, her family always came top of her list.The...
Wellness for our Wealth
Wealth Wellness
I started pondering my definition of Wealth Wellness after a game-changing event back in 2002. At this time, the balance of abundance in each of my valued areas of life was off-kilter. Once I took the blinders off, I began thinking about how my wealth is my physical...
Life – is it Good?
The Good Life
As we’re growing up the questions, doubts and dissatisfactions about the way life is looking, compared with our ideal, can pop up. The reality is that life is challenging. Beautiful, ultimately what we make of it, and rich with challenge. Even if it’s an unconscious...
Want to be Tuned in, Tapped in + Turned on in 2019?
Time for Tapped in, Tuned in, and Turned on in 2019
*Happy New Year* How does starting as we mean to go on fit for you as you enjoy your first few days of this New Year? Consistency is key; although figuring out what we really want so we know where we’re going to, is the first step. The rocking chair test can be a...