Time to Pay it Forward
As you know I’m passionate about Living Lightly, and one way I see this concept being most valuable in a practical sense is by finding ways that pay it forward... ...Meaning paying forward to others the blessings I've received, in ways that are intentional and...
Paying It Forward With Bells On!
Do We Need As Much As We Think We Do?
‘Lifestyle Freedom’ was simply a catchy phrase to me until I realized in 2002 that I definitely didn’t have it. I liked to think I did – and I was so wrong. And this was when I decided to do something about it. You see back then, I was in a serious accident when I was...
How Much Is Enough?
It’s Time To Focus
So, my question for you this week is, are you ready to take yourself on? This all begins with fessing-up to ourselves about where we’re really at right now. Sure, we can have a goal of where we want to get to – although it’s vital to know where we actually are in...
Energy – For Life!
Life-long Energy
This can be a biggie for many of us (mainly because so many are struggling with low energy) – and it’s this that’s prompted me to share my approach to experiencing life-long energy in multiple cities globally, and more recently online. For too many years, I relied on...
Is This What You’re Thinking?
Law of Attraction-in-Action
From what I’ve read and learned, I believe that our entire reality is powerfully shaped by our thoughts; to the degree that our thoughts actually become things1.. Literally, we manifest our beliefs and our thoughts. A classic example I’d like to share with you is from...