Our Most Valuable Asset

Our Most Valuable Asset

It’s worth pausing. Just for a mo; right now, as you’re reading this. And asking yourself – ‘what’s THE most powerful valuable asset in my life?’ We all have different answers, and perhaps, like me, your answer changes as you move through different life-chapters and...

Resisting The Urge To Look

Resisting The Urge To Look

    Currently I’m lapping up stunning Torbay, on the North Shore in Auckland, though when you're reading this, I may well be somewhere else on the next step of our globe trot!   I’m savouring the most of these magic-moments here in this enchanting, kiwi...

Can You Believe These Results?

Can You Believe These Results?

For today, I’m referring to those noticeable improvements in our health that happen when we make those wee-tweaks.  Some of these could make all the difference to you or someone you know. Firstly though, I’ll share with you a client’s story; a chap who was...