Focus With A Bonus 

Focus With A Bonus 

This one’s a deceptively simple, seemingly little-known secret. I missed it myself for the longest time. However, I’m now consistently onto it as it’s such a valuable KPI (key performance indicator). The value this tip offers is multi-fold – including helping to...

Joe’s Back on Track

Joe’s Back on Track

When I first met Joe, he was having digestive challenges (he had been on extended water fast and prior to this had been following a raw, vegan diet for a year.  At that point, he was experiencing weakness, fatigue, and depression.) So, we talked about adjustments that...

Creamy Cashew Delight

Creamy Cashew Delight

Ideal topping for your matcha latte! Ingredients (unprocessed + organic is best if poss!) 2 cups cashews, plus water for soaking 1/2 tsp sea salt 1 - 2 Tbsp honey to taste (I prefer to pre-soak a medjool date, although it means the cream is slightly grainy in colour)...