Are You Done with the Meds?
Actually, medicine’s an important tool - it saves lives. The challenge is that for long-term solutions for chronic, degenerative disease we do need to be looking at the bigger picture that includes lifestyle. Namely looking at all possible solutions besides the purely...
Are You in Denial?

In Denial?
Do you want more in life? Quietly hankering for more options, with no foreseeable change ahoy? Maybe you fancy being able to travel where you want to, and have time to explore and relish new places (or already favourite ones) – although you’re stumped as to how to...

Get To or Have To
For me, this is a question I ask myself often, as part of my journey of conscious living and putting into practice one of my values of learning for life. Some of my most challenging life-lessons have come when I was in full-on resistance. And when those...
Have To, or Do We Get To?

Letting Go to Grow
When it comes to productivity it’s all about letting go to grow. One of the things that I’ve personally found to be a challenge, especially in the area of productivity and getting results, is how I’ve been a bit of a stick in the mud when it comes to changing...
Let Go To Grow
One Day Isle

One Day I’ll….
*Health Warning!* Saying, “someday, I’ll ….” can be a danger to our financial health. How so? Because it sets us up for putting it off. With our finances (and actually with most things), when we keep putting off the steps that would be beneficial in the long run,...