3 for 1

3 for 1

What would happen if we chose to replace each negative thought with 3 positive ones? I’m trialing this one myself, and I’ve noticed it definitely makes a difference for me when I’m consistent with it. I read in the Harvard Business Review about a study on business...

IQ or I Can?

IQ or I Can?

This question is inspired by a book about Gutsy Women, written by Hillary and Chelsea Clinton, that Chris and I are reading to each other at the moment. And it’s not only about women. Part of the perspective shared is the idea that we don’t necessarily need to be born...

Where is That Focus Mojo?

Where is That Focus Mojo?

Since we’re still effectively starting a new year, this question is particularly timely.  A new year – even a new week, month, or quarter – can be our time to turn over a fresh leaf.  And, like anything in our lives, it happens when we make it enough of a...