Width-long as well as life-long?
Are you living the width as well as the length?
It’s a great question, and I’m thankful to my dear friend Bash for asking me. In fact, he was asked the same question by his nephew, Amjad. The bottom-line meaning and answer are different for all of us – for me it’s how much depth 1 am I experiencing in my...
3 tips to increase your Productivity
Are yours? Productivity guns going for it, I mean? For the longest time, mine weren’t. I often used to be busy being busy and just feel like I was spinning my wheels - until I changed my approach. When it comes to getting into gear with our productivity, here...
Guns-a-blazin’ with your productivity?
This is not what we were expecting!
This isn’t what we were expecting
Being ok with the unexpected is something that Chris Folland, Financial Health Coach, is adept at. He shares some gems here, that maybe handy for you now or sometime in the future, or maybe even for someone you care about. Take it away Chris… How comfortable are you...
Chalice gets more energy + clarity
More Energy and Clarity for Chalice
We’re all about stories this week, especially those from people who’ve decided to be courageous and take their first or next steps on their health journeys. 1 Today, we’re honouring Chalice, who’s a valued friend and colleague. We met in January 2020, and...
Is now a good time to pivot?
Are You Pivoting?
It’s time for us to hear from our resident Financial Health Coach, Chris Folland. This week he focuses on being nimble when it comes to our financial health – especially at this time. Over to Chris… Our topic today is pivoting. We recently emerged from Covid-19 lock...