Is creating time freedom worth it?
We're going to be exploring the extraordinary benefits of having time freedom in your life. This is even more relevant for those of us who have schedules dictated by work and obligations. Time freedom is like a breath of fresh air, whether you're a student, a...
Healthy living – science or art?
I was chatting with a client about this one today. In terms of a mind-expanding approach that helps us to look from different perspectives, it’s worth checking out Denis Waitley’s work 1 And when it comes to whether the practice of healthy living is art or science -...
Is it worth being flexible?
It makes sense that being flexible in body and mind could be a good thing. Before we’d bother to put the effort in though, we’d need to feel it’s really worth it. If we look to the long term view, as I heard 81 years young (at the time of hearing her) author Isabelle...
Is it worth reflecting?
Do you ever reflect on your day, your week, your month, your year - or even your decade? Yes, it’s important to spot our wins, and also our failures. However, reflecting on what I’ve learned, what I’ve gained from this experience and how I can improve on my game next...
Want fewer problems, less often?
This is definitely a completely loaded question isn't it? Of course it would be a good thing! Well that's something that Haruko1 - a lady I’ve been working with, has noticed since we began working together. Haruko is a qualified dietician and massage...
3 heart-healthy foods
Interestingly the ones I’ll mention here aren’t always those that get the Heart Foundation tick. These are my favs - although do check the reference below 1 which gives some useful options. As you can imagine, heart-healthy foods have been a focus for me since my dad...
Being the person you’d most want to meet
I know what you’re thinking…’is this a slightly bizarre question or what?’ I can remember when I came across this concept, via my most treasured mentor of all time Dr. Denis Waitley 1, I remember thinking that he’s really got a point. Here’s the premise - if I want...
3 keys to be productive when you’re tired
So when our energy’s spent - what do we do? It’s worth checking the reference below for more handy tips. Here are a few that really stand out for me as being highly effective when the chips are down - Plenty of natural light - this can be such...
Are you feeling stuck?
Is this true for you or someone you know right now? That's exactly how a delightful lady Vicky was feeling. She originally came to see me as she was frustrated about her lack of progress and was ready for positive change. Basically, she needed to release long-step...
Surefire work life balance strategy
Work-life balance strategy This is, quite simply, essential for a productive and healthy lifestyle. However, what that balance looks like is different for everyone and figuring out how to achieve a personal balance can be a conundrum. To make matters more tricky, the...