Honest review
Are you up for an honest review? I find it useful to emphasise the word honest when I’m asking myself this question, which can help me avoid being in denial which I've definitely done in the past. Rather than seeing a review as being a way to effectively beat myself...
Giving to yourself
We're going to cover the experience of a delightful man Diego¹ with whom I’ve been blessed to work. He was having some challenges with odd sensations, some pain and persistent tingling that had been happening for a while. He was aware that his movement was not...
Would you like to have even more freedom of choice?
You’ve likely spotted this question is rhetorical – of course we all do. The question is – how to make this happen? One way is by having a side-hustle, not least because it can help you to unlock your creativity. It's a space where you can think outside the square,...
How to live consciously?
Is conscious living doable and if so, why would we bother? One take on this hot topic is that it’s about being more aware, and existing in the here and now. Sounds good although how exactly do we do that - and before we go there - is it worth it? My experience with...
3 ways to self-focus that work
Can you relate to having thought that self-focus is just self-indulgence in trendy-speak? If, like me, you’ve been unsure on this one, it’s worth checking out the reference 1 below. it turns out it’s actually a way to ultimately be able to increase your capacity to...
Are you pushing yourself too hard?
Interesting question isn't it? It's one that I’ve definitely been able to answer yes to many times in my life. In fact just yesterday (when I recorded this), my hubby Chris and a friend of ours, also called Chris, hiked from Pakari Beach to our house. Now whilst...
Could more time freedom be handy?
Today we’re all about the extraordinary benefits of having time freedom in your life as a result of a side hustle. In an enviroment where our schedules often feel like they're running us, rather than the other way around, having time freedom is a must. No matter who...
5 ways to give back without cash
It’s tricky to boil things down to just 5 ways!...especially with references like this blog 1 that’s a wealth of ideas and info. The first option I’ll mention is ideal for those of us who don't necessarily have hours available to spare volunteering for example. ...
3 reasons to be productive
Why would we bother to be more productive? It's always such a popular topic, and no wonder given the significant bonuses it can create in our lives. Check out the reference below 1 for some valuable insights on reasons to be productive. My top pick is that it...
Feeling run down?
Can you relate to Ally feeling run down? There’s usually a reason behind not feeling 100% and I’ve discovered it’s really important to bear in mind that each of us is unique in terms of the situation that might get us to the point where things unravel for us. It’s...